We are always looking to expand our network to help more animals in need. We appreciate your time, ideas and inspirations. We need help transporting animals to and from vet clinics and foster families. We always need foster families willing to take on mamas with babies, orphaned bottle-fed kittens and puppies, senior animals in need of a place to decompress, medical cases in need of a place to heal, and animals in need of a place to go to escape their fate of being on a kill list at the shelter.
Volunteer trappers play a critical role in lowering the over population of cats from the root. Contact us to join our team today. Apprentice with one of our seasoned pros or bring your own talents and expertise.
We also need donations! As an all volunteer run 501c3 non profit organization, we cannot do the work without the selfless giving from our donors! Whether it be monetary or in-kind product donations, every bit helps the animals who need help most.